July 11, 2004

Trimming the Blog

I have removed most of the blog entries spanning the last two and a half weeks. For anyone who hasn't visited my site recently, it's easy enough to infer from my previous entry that a significant conflict occurred with my chronicling of my trip to London.

Before anyone thinks to get upset and draw the conclusion that I've been strong-armed into removing material, that's not the case. I have removed these entries simply because it is not worth trying to establish the line between what is or is not acceptable, what reflects a professional conflict of interest, what represents an invasion of privacy.

I spent some time going through, removing small sections, trimming, word-smithing, and I finally decided it isn't important enough to bother with. For those family and friends who have read this journal, you know how my trip went (in short: pretty darned well). And granted, it was fun taking pictures of London and writing some light social commentary, but honestly the last several days have been stressful, I haven't slept much, I feel like throwing up constantly, and it's just better to try and get this behind me.

There are some things I hope to write about. My last evening in London I had a wonderful time hooking up with Amanda again, and tonight I just pulled off a surprise birthday party for my Mom. I promise to get some of it written down, but tonight I just want to sleep.

Posted by Murray Todd Williams at July 11, 2004 08:00 PM

Holy shit, I check back after missing out about a week or two of blog entries (starting just before yout trip) and miss all the excitement, of course.

Fear not, Murray, I *saw* nothing. Not that it would have made any sense to me, of course. So there.


Posted by: Vera Nazarian at July 13, 2004 02:36 AM
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