I'm doing my morning compulsive-scanning of news articles. I see two types of articles. One talks about the strange phenomenon of the surge in early and absentee voting; these articles ponder why all these people are enduring 3-hour lines just to vote before election day, postulating that people are more busy and don't want to be rushed on Tuesday, or maybe that people feel more passionately for their choice and can't wait for Tuesday to cast their vote. Really it's a lot of head-scratching.
The other set of articles point out all the nasty election challenges with Republican volunteers planning on lining up at every precinct to "challenge" list of thousands of Democratic voters.
Dude! Figure it out! People are rushing to early voting because they all anticipate really nasty horrible armageddon-like catastrophes and fights and conflicts on voting day so they're opting for a nice, clean, quiet, safe opportunity to cast their votes early. (They also want to put this mess behind them.)
Posted by Murray Todd Williams at October 29, 2004 04:49 AM