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Total entries in this category: Published On: Dec 09, 2003 10:42 AM |
More Political RantsOkay, yes I've got a burr up my ass. First of all, I
encourage everyone to read this article about gerrymandering which is a fancy
term for congressional redistricting in order to favor one political party. It
has turned into an art (and science) and the Republicans have obviously been
much better at it.
Okay, yes I've got a burr up my ass. First of all, I
encourage everyone to read this article about
which is a fancy term for congressional redistricting in order to favor one
political party. It has turned into an art (and science) and the Republicans
have obviously been much better at it. In a way maybe I can't blame them. After
all, wouldn't I do the same thing if I could secure Democratic Dominance. I'd
like to think I can recognize when a system is out of control. Anyway, everyone
should read it.
Another interesting item: a pro-Bush political organization has just launched a really nasty anti-Dean commercial playing in Iowa. For those of you snoozing, Iowa is considered one of the critical states in the primaries. If Dean wins Iowa then it significantly helps him win overall. Here's a link to the commercial in Windows Media or RealOne format . And here's an article that discusses the background of the commercial. Now here's where it doesn't add up: the Bush team has always claimed that Dean would be easy to beat, and that in fact they hoped he would win because he wouldn't stand a chance. But it the Bush team wants Dean to win, why spend money on an anti-Dean commercial in Iowa? Either the Bush supporters "forgot to carry the 2" or they were lying and they perceive Dean to be the biggest threat! Aha! Go Team Dean! Huah! Posted: Sat - December 6, 2003 at 07:54 AM |