Go Team Dean, Huah!
It felt so good to wake up this morning and hear that
Howard Dean got the Gore endorsement. I believe that our biggest enemy is not
George W (he comes in second) but
People tend not to rally behind a lost cause, even when they tend to empathize
with the underdog. The best thing is to show the country that there is a strong,
unified front behind a single Democratic Candidate.
It felt so good to wake up this morning and hear that
Howard Dean got the Gore endorsement. I believe that our biggest enemy is not
George W (he comes in second) but
People tend not to rally behind a lost cause, even when they tend to empathize
with the underdog. The best thing is to show the country that there is a strong,
unified front behind a single Democratic
Candidate.I'm also annoyed that every
other candidate seems preoccupied with "Dean Bashing" rather than focusing on
their own agendas. I really haven't heard any other candidates' platforms--just
their whining about Dean, and their attempt to pick up support in specific
demographics. There are two things I really like about the Dean
Campaign:1. Although there's the
constant appeal for financial donations, the Dean campaign doesn't give me
impression they only want my money. They let me know what I can
do for the
campaign (other than opening my checkbook). In the letters I'm writing to Iowa
democrats where I ask for their support and involvement in the upcoming Jan 19
Iowa caucus, there's not a single point in which I ask for their money. I'm
willing to bet some of them are reading my letters today, puzzled because I'm
not telling them where to mail their
checks.2. Dean talks about the issues
and his goals. Yes he does criticize George W's actions quite a bit, but he
like the other Democratic Candidates.The
more I read Hillary's autobiography (and I'm
trying to
read it with a critical eye so I can judge what is factual and what is a biased
spin on events) the more I realize Dean is going to have a damned hard time once
he gets elected President. I really think this country is in the midst of a
Civil Cold War where a Republican congress with sabotage decent legislation, not
because they disagree with the legislation, but because they can't allow a
Democrat to look good. I really think there's a war going on, and it's going to
be a long and bloody one on our own
soil.May we live in interesting
times.I'll end with something cute I
just found. Someone made a bunch of little commercials that are blatant
knockoffs of the "Apple Switch" campaign. I think they would be
great commercials to actually air, but I suspect Apple wouldn't let them get
away with it.
Posted: Tue - December
9, 2003 at 10:27 AM