Stress is a liquid I can pour like my morning cup of coffee.

Anxiety is so palpable I can almost sense it as a liquid I could pour, like my cup of morning coffee. Maybe a bit more viscous. I'm swimming in anxiety. It's like treading water in quicksand.

Anxiety is so palpable I can almost sense it as a liquid I could pour, like my cup of morning coffee. Maybe a bit more viscous. I'm swimming in anxiety. It's like treading water in quicksand.

I'm typing on the thesis (major paper really, I downgraded it from a full-fledged thesis) constantly, keeping an eye on the e-mail icon because there are a slew of difficulties involving paperwork, finding a committee for the defense (everyone on my original committee is on sabbatical or retired), begging forgiveness for letting this get so dreadfully late, and generally trying to pull everything together.

I try not to think of my finances, as the 100% dedication toward this end means I'm not looking for income, and between property taxes and upcoming SAG joining fees (if I ever get that damned letter to join) there are thousands and thousands of dollars I need to come up with.

And to make things that much more tense, there are extreme tensions between me and some friends (who for privacy sake I wont name here) that plague any free thoughts I may have. Oh, and then there's the pressure to actually come up with a Halloween costume, events to attend (punctuated buy little guilt-bombs from people who wont accept the "I'm busy" excuse from me)...

I went to Oil Can Harry's last night for some dancing as a reward for my work, but even when being spun around on the dance floor I couldn't keep myself present. My mind jumped from one crisis to the next. Even my dreams are screwed up, and I can't sleep in because come 6AM I'm terrified that I've got so much to do.

God, I can't wait until I can finish this masters degree!

Posted: Wed - October 22, 2003 at 08:14 AM      
