Calm Before the Storm

Tomorrow a great number of things will go into motion. Today I feel like a person who knows a massive hurricane is sitting a few miles offshore and it's about to strike. Now is the time to nail boards over windows, fill sandbags, etc. The literal translation: time to clean the apartment, do laundry, etc.

Tomorrow a great number of things will go into motion. Today I feel like a person who knows a massive hurricane is sitting a few miles offshore and it's about to strike. Now is the time to nail boards over windows, fill sandbags, etc. The literal translation: time to clean the apartment, do laundry, etc.

Three things start tomorrow:

1. My first solid concrete work with the new client is going to start. I'll have a huge learning curve to climb, and I've got to really pull off some miracles over the next two weeks so they decide to keep me onboard. I REALLY need this contract.

2. There's a lot of work to be done over two weeks to get the local deligate selection caucuses organized. Starting with a teleconference tomorrow everything should launch into high gear, and I suspect many people (myself included) will be getting very little sleep.

3. The New Hampshire Primaries will really tell us if Dean is going to flop, or if he's going to stay a strong contender. If he places a "strong second" than it is up to his army of supporters to shift into high gear and pull off a coup during the first "Super Tuesday" on February 3rd, and throughout the race. If he does as badly as he did in Iowa then really it's all over.

I've got to say this: I'm a much happier person now that I'm busy than when I was sitting in limbo a few months ago. I've got a pretty good litmus test figured out to determine whether I'm doing well, ie. "on the right track", or not: if I wake up in the morning before my alarm goes off, I'm a happy person. If I hit snooze a bunch (or don't set the clock and sleep until 9 or 10) then I'm an unhappy person.

It's amazingly simple, but I think it's a really accurate indicator. This morning I was so anxious and ready to hit the ground running that I just couldn't stay in bed after 6:45am even though the alarm was set for 7. I just had to get up, get the coffee started, and get to work.

I've been getting up at about 6:45am quite a bit in the last week.

Posted: Mon - January 26, 2004 at 09:11 AM      
